With an overall rating of 3/5 stars, the training center of Berrichonne Châteauroux was judged to be of as good quality as those of LOSC Lille, Olympique de Marseille, Montpellier Hérault SC, and ranked ahead of historical clubs FC Metz and RC Strasbourg.
The official document of the National Technical Department « Criteria for the effectiveness of training centers 2020-2021 », jointly edited by the French Football Federation and the joint committee of the Professional Football League, summarizes at first and then gives details for each club through five element that allow us to measure their achievements :
- professionalize players in training: this criterion takes into account the number of players who have played in the Training Center and have signed a professional contract, being under 23 years of age; – have players from training play in the first team;
- train “European” level players: Jean-Philippe Mateta and Flavien Tait.
- train players represented in national teams – this season includes players such as Gilles Sunu (Togo), Fernand Mayembo (Togo) and Johann Obiang (Gabon);
- carry out the triple School/Sports/Educational project.
« This is a job that has gone on for years! The figures presented are very encouraging! We are a real training club that has been working for years and working well. It is a source of pride to be in front of a dozen Ligue 1 clubs on all scoring criteria.
We will continue to be as rigorous as possible, with our means, to take young people out and lead them to the professional world! »
Armindo Ferreira, director of the Training Center
General 2020-2021
1- Professionalization
Only players from U16 to U23, under a professional player contract in the professional divisions of the top ten countries in the UEFA ranking, as well as the French National Championship are counted.
Points: 10 points per season during which the player has been under a training agreement, minimum, with the training club.
- 20 points for a player who has benefited from an Elite contract or for a player signing a contract in advance professional; • 50 points for a player signing a professional contract in advance during his aspiring contract;
- 20 points for an aspiring contract player who signs a professional or Elite contract in another professional club.
2 – Playing time in the first team of the training club
All official competitions played by the player in the first team of his training club are counted. The number of points is determined according to the coefficient below, depending on the player’s age, multiplied by the number of minutes played in the first team of his training club: • U16 to U20 ………………………………………. ……………………… 1.25
- U21 ……………… ………………………………………….. ………………. 1
- U22 and U23 ………………………………………. …………………….. 0.75
- U24 and U25 …………….. ………………………………………….. ….. 0.5
- U26 and more 0.25
3 – National selections
All international matches, without distinction of nation, played by the player are counted, according to the following criteria :
Selection A (per official or friendly match)
Hopes and Olympics selections (per official match)
U19 and U20 selections (per match played in the final, continental and intercontinental phase) U17 and U18 selections (per match played in the final, continental and intercontinental phase)
4 – Education
The diplomas taken into account are those obtained during the previous season. They are valued on the basis of the nomenclature established by the National Education in force during the graduation season. The valuation below is multiplied by two until the end of the first professional contract signed by the player when he graduates from his training club:
- Level 3 diploma ……………………………………… ……………… 5 points
- Level 4 diploma ……………………. ……………………………… 20 points
- Level 5 diploma ……. ………………………………………….. …. 25 points
- Level 6 diploma ………………………………… …………………. 40 points
5 – European representation
The players concerned are those who have had a training agreement of at least one year and who may or may not play with their training club. This applies to clubs with points in the UEFA club ranking.
Points are awarded by multiplying the club’s UEFA coefficient, as of May 31 of the current season, by the number of minutes played in the domestic league and European Cups during the current season.