One hundred students from Institut Florimont recently embarked on an incredible adventure to Parma, Italy, in partnership with Institut Florimont. This immersive trip offered a diverse program that combined historical exploration, artistic discovery, and exciting sporting activities, all designed to enrich the students culturally and create lasting memories.
A Journey of Art, Culture, Sport, and Discovery
One hundred students from Institut Florimont recently embarked on an incredible adventure to Parma, Italy, in partnership with Institut Florimont. This immersive trip offered a diverse program that combined historical exploration, artistic discovery, and exciting sporting activities, all designed to enrich the students culturally and create lasting memories.
Exploring Parma’s Rich History and Beauty
The students delved into Parma’s past, exploring the magnificent Pilotta Complex, the old city, and climbed the ramparts of the majestic Torrechiara Castle, taking in breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Beyond the Classroom: Sports Take Center Stage
The spirit of competition came alive as the students participated in a multi-sport event in Collorno. From baseball and football to rugby and volleyball, they had the opportunity to showcase their athleticism and sportsmanship. The excitement continued as they cheered on Parma Calcio 1913 to a memorable victory at Stadio Tardini, experiencing the passion of Italian football firsthand.

Unveiling Parma’s Culinary Secrets and Technological Prowess
The trip wasn’t just about physical activity. The students also delved deeper into Italian culture by unraveling the secrets of Parmigiano Reggiano production. Witnessing the traditional methods behind this world-famous cheese undoubtedly gave them a newfound appreciation for this local specialty.
Their journey continued at the prestigious Dallara Academy, where they peeked into the world of motorsport and learned about the cutting-edge technology that pushes the boundaries of automotive.

A Trip that Leaves a Lasting Impression
This incredible journey was more than just sightseeing and activities; it was a voyage of learning and discovery. The students returned home with unforgettable memories, and a broadened cultural perspective for Italian art, history, and sports.
Connection with Erreà
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our esteemed partner, Errea Sport, for their invaluable support in making this trip.